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The Battle of the Rockets (BOR) is a design-build-launch competition is a series of competitive events focusing on the engineering design cycle that is meant to increase as the competitor’s skill level grows. The events provide multiple difficulty levels for high school and collegiate students to design and construct rockets. Middle school and Junior high teams in 7th-8th grade may enter the competition and compete in the high school division. The 2023 competition will be April 14-16th in Culpeper, Virginia. This year we are offering corporate and individual sponsorship opportunities. For more information, visit our sponsorship page.


The Federation of Galaxy Explorers offers a variety of space science and engineering-based  events for all ages. For more information, please email at

Our Galaxy Ball is a highly anticipated event that raises money that supports our Mission Teams, summer camps, and the year-round access we provide children to space education. It is with great regret that the 2023 Galaxy Explorers will remain paused while we continue to rebuild the volunteer workforce for the Federation of Galaxy Explorers' outreach programs. For more information and to offer your time to help with this event, visit the Galaxy Ball page.

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